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Siala Forums _ Юмор _ Как могут запинать в листе рассылки

Posted by: Keb 00:11, 14 October 2005

Мне по роду деятельности приходится периодически обращаться к разным источникам информации из области IT, в число которых входят и листы рассылки. Листая на днях архивы одного из таких листов, наткнулся на забавный на мой взгляд ответ от парня, которому очень много человек написали про ошибку в его постинге (речь шла о фаерволлах в bsd).


I AM WRONG..... I AM VERY SORRY..... I cant believe it takes fifty different people to bash me, as I think I tucked my tail between my legs after the first time being told I was wrong. I accepted it and didn't argue, so now I think the rest of you people should give up on it now. You have proved your point, now get off me. I bought a computer mainly as a way to ignore my wife, now im not sure what is worse - Your bitching or hers?


Posted by: Kefa 00:45, 14 October 2005

Хорошо что у нас такого нет biggrin.gif

Posted by: Толай ''Горн'' 09:12, 14 October 2005

\\Кефочка ты английский знаешь?!

Posted by: Kefa 11:36, 14 October 2005

Сорри за оффтоп...
Толай, да я знаю......
И все что я могу те сказать, эт процетировать Милен Фармер: " Fuck them all!"
"them" потому что это тебе и твоему второму "Я" !!!

Posted by: Толай ''Горн'' 22:11, 15 October 2005

\\Прошу тебя как цивилизованого несомненно человека объяснить мне две веши..
первое почему ты прекратил общение (я очень страдаю - мы же с 4 левела вместе smile.gif), и второе, КАКОГО ЧЕРТА ТЫ ДЕРНУЛСЯ В ИНСАННУ?

У нас вся пати в шоке была.. Потом мы решили тебя вальнуть пару раз... smile.gif)))

Если не трудно объясни..
А то я уже целую неделю в шоке хожу...

Posted by: Kefa 13:36, 16 October 2005

\\Итак, Я прекратил общение потому, что больше не имею ни малейшего желания с тобой общатся....
А в Инсанну я ушел потому, что мне хочется играть за, так сказать, партизан...
В Валиостре все конечно проще, удобнее, доступнее... Эт не так интересно....

Posted by: Angie 15:57, 16 October 2005

Цитата(Keb @ 01:11, 14 October 2005)

  I AM WRONG..... I AM VERY SORRY..... I cant believe it takes fifty different people to bash me, as I think I tucked my tail between my legs after the first time being told I was wrong. I accepted it and didn't argue, so now I think the rest of you people should give up on it now. You have proved your point, now get off me. I bought a computer mainly as a way to ignore my wife, now im not sure what is worse - Your bitching or hers?


laugh out loud
laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Zxx 19:35, 30 October 2005

<Tedward> so there's this pimp right. he's collecting money from his three ho's.
<Tedward> he goes to the first ho and asks for his $100. she says, "But I only owe you $50!"
<Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
<Tedward> he asks the next ho for $150. she says, "But I only owe you $100!"
<Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
<Tedward> now he goes to his third ho.
<Tedward> he asks for $200. "but I only owe you $150!"
<Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
<Tedward> next he visits the fourth ho.
<Tedward> he asks her for his $250.
<Thy_Dungeonman> hold on, wait a sec
<Tedward> what?
<Thy_Dungeonman> you said three ho's, not four. idioth.
*Tedward slaps Thy_Dungeonman
<Tedward> Don't correct me, bitch.

Posted by: Kefa 23:50, 30 October 2005

biggrin.gif Но прошлое адназначна лучче.....

Posted by: Zxx 08:50, 10 November 2005


<Kazak> man I am bored, Im gonna try some weird shit
<Nash> uh oh
<Nash> ?!
<Nash> You really are a crazy bastard!
*Killer_jeep has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> good fucking hell this hurts LIKE HELL
<Killer_jeep> What?
<Nash> he put a staple thru his dick
<Killer_jeep> DEAR GOD
*Killer_jeep has left the conversation.
<Kazak> shit now I have to piss! Brb
<Nash> this can't be good
<Nash> what happened!
*Darkness has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> the piss flew out of the staple holes
<Darkness> WTF!?
*Darkness has left the conversation.
<Kazak> I had to straddle the toilet to get it in!
<Nash> are you gonna go to the ER?
<Kazak> are you crazy? no fucking way
<Nash> well try pulling it out
<Kazak> I can't it hurts like hell if I try!
<Nash> well it has to come out sooner or later.
<Nash> better off sooner, before anyone sees you.
<Nash> its your own fault, you know.
<Kazak> shutup! augh this hurts!!!
*Aaron has joined the conversation
<Aaron> whats up guys?
<Nash> The crazy bastard put a staple through his dick
*Aaron has left the conversation.
<Kazak> THANK GOD!!! I got it out!!!
<Nash> right, what about the holes?
<Kazak> uhh
*Malaina has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> I'll have to cover my dick with band-aids.
<Malaina> what the hell are you talking about?
<Kazak> oh shit. Nash, don't!!!!
<Nash> your boyfriend put a staple through his dick
*Malaina has left the conversation.

Posted by: Zxx 09:14, 10 November 2005

ну и по теме форума:
<Dejos> I was killed by a rabit in D&D once
<Wiser> lol
<Dejos> stupid DM
<recursive> did it have big sharp pointy teeth?
<recursive> \/\/\/\/\/
<Dejos> no! it didnt have squat.. I tripped over it and fell off a cliff

Posted by: Kefa 00:13, 11 November 2005

<Kazak> the piss flew out of the staple holes
laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

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