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> Zelle's Shifter Details, and Druid Wildshape and Elemental Shape Details, Version III, Друиды и шифтеры
post 21:59, 1 September 2007
Post #1


Posted: Wednesday, 03 March 2004 06:11PM

Ok, updated with a few fixes, as of 1.62.

Corrections: Non-epic whispermaster does not use Dex as his AB unless you have the Weapon Finesse feat. Epic Whipmaster does, as he gets this feat.
Non-epic Manticore merges only Armor, however Epic Manticore merges Armor AND Items.

Known bugs:
If your multiplayer server saves, you will hear a shifting sound, and loose all your merged properties.
(Это уже пофиксили, в 1.65 кажется)
Epic Drow does not have Darkness ability.
(И это тоже, есть у него темнота теперь)
Epic Gargoyle's hide is still MIA. This will be fixed, we do not know which patch. Till then, properties have nothing to merge ONTO.
Spectre Shadow Attack shows a Bad Strff when examined for info.
Should you die when shifted, remember to reequip everything as your properties stop applying to you (this sucketh if someone raises you in the middle of battle)
(Помню помню, все говорили что пофикшено пофикшено, но нет не да и глюканет. Лучше после полиморфа все вещи перенадеть. Это и к магам относится, и к прочим кто спелами полиморфится.)
Some forms, such as Dragon, have their AB capped (possibly related to lack of creature weapon proficiency on those forms? Not personally tested.)
Item properties pick the highest one when merging, instead of stacking. So you are better off with a Belt of Str +7, than a Belt of Str +5 and a Ring of Str +4. All AC types count as the same when shifted, and only pick the single highest one. Regeneration seems to be the only property that does stack.
Bracers/gloves/gauntlets properties do not merge in any form.

Druid bugs that can affect Shifters:
Fire elemental hide has 1d8 and 1d8 fire damage, insteadd of 2d8 fire damage. These do not stack.
Bolt touch attacks from things like certain spiders are bypassing the druid feat that makes you immune to web, grease, and entangle effects.


Calculations for Epic special abilities tend not to be included because they generally are alot easier to understand and calculate from the ingame descriptions of them. Keep in mind I said GENERALLY. Not always.

THP= temporary hit points added to the form above the new HP calculation form the new CON.

If the AC says +# instead of just a #, that is because your own base DEX presides in this shape, so it is changable based on your own stat.

Note any form that that gets DR on their hide will count as that enhancement level of weapon for bypassing other DR checks. This does not apply if they are carry their own weapon.

A lot of the spell-like abilities go off your caster level, such as magic missile and ice storm for determining damage and number. So a high caster level (druid or a 3rd class) is likely a good idea if you wish these abilities to be useful.

Also, concentration checks are still made for things like casting darkness and other spell-like abilities, so going light on concentration because you don't plan on having a high caster level is prolly a bad idea.


Non-Epic Shifter Details

Greater Wildshape I (Wyrmling)
All merge Armor and Items.

Red (Dragon)
Str: 16, Dex: -, Con: 15
THP: +15/AC +5
True Seeing, Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity Increased: Fire 100%, Immunity Decreased: Cold 50%
Fire Cloud: DC 15+½ Shifter levels, Reflex save

Blue (Dragon)
Str: 15, Dex: -, Con: 15
THP: +15/AC +5
True Seeing, Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity Increased: Electricity 100%
Lightning Cloud: DC 15+½ Shifter levels, Reflex save

Black (Dragon)
Str: 15, Dex: 17, Con: -
THP: +15/AC 18
True Seeing, Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity Increased: Acid 100%
Acid Cloud: DC 15+½ Shifter levels, Reflex save

White (Dragon)
Str: 15, Dex: 17, Con: -
THP: +15/AC 18
True Seeing, Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity Increased: Cold 100%, Immunity Decreased: Fire 50%
Cold Cloud: DC 15+½ Shifter levels, Reflex save

Green (Dragon)
Str: 15, Dex: - Con: 16
THP: +15/AC +5
True Seeing, Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity Increased: Acid 100%
Chlorine Gas Cloud (Acid): DC 15+½ Shifter levels, Reflex save

Greater Wildshape II

Harpy (Magical Beast)
Str: 18, Dex: 18, Con:-
THP: +20/AC 22
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Captivating Song: DC 14+1/3 Shifter levels, Will save

Gargoyle (Magical Beast)
Str: -, Dex: 18, Con: 18
THP: +20/AC 22
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Damage Reduction 15/+1

Minotaur (Monstrous)
Str: 19, Dex: -, Con: 17
THP: +25/AC +6
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Battleaxe +1

Greater Wildshape III

Basilisk (Magical Beast)
Str: 16, Dex: -, Con: -
THP: +30/AC +10
Merge Armor ONLY
Petrification Gaze: DC 12+½ Shifter levels, Fortitude save

Drider (Aberration)
Str: 16, Dex: 16, Con: 15
THP: +20/AC 21
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 14, Freedom of Movement
Drider Spear +2
(+2 Discipline, OnHit Poison: DC 16 1d2 Strength)

Manticore (Magical Beast)
Str: 20, Dex: 19, Con: 15
THP: +30/AC 21
Merge Armor ONLY
Hurl Spikes: ½ Shifter levels, Maximum 5

Humanoid Shape

Drow Warrior(Elf)
Str: 18, Dex: 21, Con: (-2)(+2 Dex due to racial change already figured in)
THP: +30/AC 23
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 26
Venomblade +3
(OnHit Poison: DC 16 1d2 Strength, +2 Improved Saving Throw vs Poison)

Lizardfolk Whipmaster (Reptilian)
Str: 16, Dex: 20, Con:-
THP: +35/AC 24
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Damage Reduction 5/+1, Damage Resistance: Acid 5/-
Immunity: Poison, Saving Throw Bonus Universal: +2
Bonus Feat: Ambidexterity
Freedom of Movement, +10 Discipline, +4 Listen
Shocking Whip +3
(Bonus Feat: Disarm (Whip), 1d6 Electrical Damage, OnHit Stun: DC 22 10%/ 4 Rounds)

Kobold Commando (Reptilian)
Str: -, Dex: 22, Con: -
THP: +10/AC 26
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Freedom of Movement
Bonus Feats: Darkvision, Dodge, Use Poison
+10 Hide and Move Silently, +5 Listen and Spot, +7 Open Lock and Set Trap, +10 Tumble
Commando Sword +3
(Bonus Feats: Hide in Plain Sight, Sneak Attack (2d6), Weapon Finesse, OnHit Poison: DC 18 1d2 Strength)

Greater Wildshape IV

Dire Tiger (Animal)
Str: 27, Dex: 17, Con: 15
THP: +60/AC 21
Merge Armor ONLY

Medusa (Monstrous)
Str: 19, Dex: 19, Con: -
THP: +35/AC 24
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse
Medusa Snakes: OnHit Poison: DC 14
Petrification Gaze: DC 12+½ Shifter levels, Fortitude save

Mind Flayer (Aberration)
Str: -, Dex: 19, Con: -, Int: +8, Wis: +2
THP: +30/AC 21
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Spell Resistance 24, Immunity: Mind-Affecting Spells
Bonus Feat: Darkvision, Dodge, +6 Listen and Spot
Weapon Enhancement +2
Psionic Inertial Barrier: 10/+5, 1 round per level
Mind Blast: DC 10+Wis modifier+½ Shifter levels, Will save, Magical Damage

Epic Shifter Details

Greater Wildshape II, Improved forms (Level 13)

Harpy (Magical Beast)
Str: 20, Dex: -, Con: 20
THP: +40/AC +11
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Captivating Song: DC 14+1/3 Shifter levels, Will save

Gargoyle (Magical Beast)
Str: 20, Dex: 20, Con: -
THP: +60/AC 27
Merge Armor, Merge Items
NO Damage Reduction (???) (Creature hide x2_it_egarprop MISSING)

Minotaur (Monstrous)
Str: 22, Dex: -, Con: 20
THP: +50/AC +10
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Epic Minotaur Axe +3
(Bonus Feats: Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Knockdown, 1d6 Fire Damage)

Greater Wildshape III, Improved forms (Level 15)

Basilisk (Magical Beast)
Str: 17, Dex: 17, Con: -
THP: +60/AC 23
Merge Armor ONLY
Petrification Gaze: DC 12+½ Shifter levels, Fortitude save

Drider (Aberration)
Str: 19, Dex: 17, Con: 18
THP: +60/AC 25
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 18, Damage Reduction 5/+20
Freedom of Movement, +8 Hide and Move Silently
Darkness, Magic Missile
Drider Spear +5
(Bonus Feat: Cleave, +6 Discipline, OnHit Poison: DC 20 1d2 Strength)

Manticore (Magical Beast)
Str: 20, Dex: 19, Con: -
THP: +60/AC 30
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Damage Reduction 5/+20, Bonus Feat: Power Attack
Hurl Spikes: ½ Shifter levels, Maximum 5

Humanoid Shape, Improved forms (Level 17)

Drow Warrior (Elf)
Str: 22, Dex: 24, Con: (-2)(+2 Dex due to racial change already figured in)
THP: +60/AC 30
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 30
Bonus Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Darkvision, Improved Evasion
Drow Frozen Blade +6
(OnHit Freeze: Slow Attacker, DC 10+(Casterlevel), [Level 15], 2d4 Cold Damage)

Lizardfolk Whipmaster (Reptilian)
Str: 21, Dex: 20, Con: -
THP: +75/AC 27
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Damage Reduction 15/+5, Damage Resistance: Acid 15/-
Immunity: Poison, Improved Saving Throws Universal: +4
Bonus Feats: Ambidexterity, Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack
Freedom of Movement, +15 Discipline, +8 Listen
Epic Shocking Whip +5
(Bonus Feat: Disarm (Whip), 2d8 Electrical Damage, OnHit Stun: DC 26 10%/ 4 Rounds)

Kobold Commando (Reptilian)
Str: -, Dex: 25, Con: -
THP: +70/AC 30
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Freedom of Movement
Bonus Feats: Darkvision, Dodge, Use Poison
+10 Hide and Move Silently, +5 Listen and Spot, +7 Open Lock and Set Trap, +10 Tumble
Kobold Commando Sword +6
(Bonus Feats: Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Evasion, Sneak Attack (5d6), Weapon Finesse, 2d6 Massive Criticals, 2d4 Acid Damage, OnHit Poison: DC 24 1d2 Dexterity)

Epic Shifter Feats Details

Undead Shape

Risen Lord
Str: 21, Dex: -, Con: 19
THP: +60/AC +13
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 15/+3
Damage Immunities: Slashing 50%, Piercing 50%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Risen Lord Scythe +5
(Bonus Feats: Cleave, Whirlwind Attack, Vampiric Regeneration +2)

Str: 18, Dex: 20, Con: -
THP + 30/AC 28
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Regeneration +5, Damage Reduction 15/+1
Damage Resistances: Cold 20/-, Electricity 20/-
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Weapon Enhancement +5
Vampire Bite: OnHit Level Drain 2: DC 30
Domination Gaze

Str: 16, Dex: 22, Con: -
THP +40/AC 31
Merge Armor ONLY
Damage Reduction 15/+4, Turn Resistance: +2
Damage Resistances: Cold 5/-, Electricity 5/-
Immunity Decreased: Divine 25%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack, Knockdown
Bonus Feats: Darkvision, Improved Evasion
+15 Hide and Move Silently
Shadow Attack, Invisibility

Outsider Shape (Wisdom 25)

Azer Chieftain
Str: 20, Dex: -, Con: 21
THP +50/AC +13
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Spell Resistance 12, Immunity Increased: Fire 100%
Immunity Decreased: Cold 50%
Burning Hands, Fire Stream
Azer Flaming Waraxe +5
(Bonus Feats: Cleave, Knockdown, Power Attack, 2d4 Fire Damage)

Str: 17, Dex: 20, Con: -
THP +30/AC 27
Merge Armor, Merge Items, Merge Weapon
Damage Reduction 15/+5, Immunity: Level 8 and Lower Spells
+15 Spellcraft, +11 Move Silently, +10 Hide and Spot, +5 Discipline
Dispel, Ice Storm, Mestil's Acid Breath
Rakshasa Staff +5
(Bonus Feats: Dodge, Knockdown, True Seeing, Improved Saving Throws Universal: +2, 1d10 Fire Damage)

Death Slaad Lord
Str: 22, Dex: 19, Con: 18
THP +70/AC 30
Merge Armor ONLY
Regeneration +5, Immunity: Fear
Damage Reduction 10/+5
Damage Resistances: Acid 10/-, Cold 10/-, Electricity 10/-, Fire 10/-, Sonic 10/-
Bonus Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
Chaos Spittle

Construct Shape (Wisdom 27)

Stone Golem
Str: 31, Dex: -, Con: -
THP +90/AC +13
Merge Armor ONLY
Spell Resistance 22, Damage Reduction 15/+3
Damage Immunities: Piercing 50%, Slashing 50%
Immunity Decreased: Acid 50%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Hurl Rocks

Demonflesh Golem
Str: 29, Dex: -, Con: -
THP +90/AC +13
Merge Armor ONLY
Spell Resistance 22, Damage Reduction 30/+3
Immunity Increased: Electricity 100%
Damage Resistances: Acid 20/-, Cold 20/-, Fire 20/-
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack

Iron Golem
Str: 33, Dex: -, Con: -
THP +90/ AC +13
Merge Armor, Merge Items
Spell Resistance 26, Damage Reduction 20/+4
Immunity Increased: Electricity 90%
Immunity Decreased: Fire 50%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Bonus Feats: Knockdown, Power Attack
Poison Gas

Dragon Shape (Wisdom 30)

Ancient Red Dragon
Str: 48, Dex: 36, Con: 32
THP +100/AC 43
Merge Armor ONLY
True Seeing, Spell Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 5/+1 (теперь 40/+6)
Immunity Increased: Fire 100%, Immunity Decreased: Cold: 50%
Immunities: Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Sneak Attack
Breath Weapon, Fire

Ancient Blue Dragon
Str: 48, Dex: 36, Con: 32
THP +100/AC 43
Merge Armor ONLY
True Seeing, Spell Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 5/+1 (теперь 40/+6)
Immunity Increased: Electricity 100%
Immunities: Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Sneak Attack
Breath Weapon, Lightning

Ancient Green Dragon
Str: 48, Dex: 36, Con: 32
THP +100/AC 43
Merge Armor ONLY
True Seeing, Spell Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 5/+1 (теперь 40/+6)
Immunity Increased: Acid 100%
Immunities: Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Sneak Attack
Breath Weapon, Gas

Druid Wildshape (Animal), (Level 5)
All forms Merge Armor ONLY

Brown Bear
Str: 27, Dex: 13, Con: 19
THP +10/AC 12

Str: 16, Dex: 15, Con: 19
THP: +10/AC 16

Str: 13, Dex: 15, Con: 15
THP +10/AC 16

Str: 15, Dex: 10, Con: 17
THP +10/AC 15

Str: 8, Dex: 17, Con: 15
THP +10/AC 18

Druid Wildshape (Animal), Improved forms (Level 12)
All forms Merge Armor ONLY

Dire Bear
Str: 31, Dex: 13, Con: 19
THP +40/AC 16

Str: 25, Dex: 15, Con: 17
THP +30/AC 20

Dire Wolf
Str: 25, Dex: 15, Con: 17
THP +30/AC 20

Dire Boar
Str: 27, Dex: 10, Con: 17
THP +20/AC 20

Dire Badger
Str: 14, Dex: 17, Con: 19
THP +20/AC 23

Druid Elemental Shape (Elemental), Huge (Level 16)
All forms Merge Armor ONLY

Str: 19, Dex: 19, Con: 26
THP -/AC 19
Damage Reduction 10/+2, Immunity Increased: Fire 100%, Immunity Decreased: Cold 50%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Fire

Str: 25, Dex: 22, Con: 19
THP -/AC 26
Damage Reduction 10/+2, Immunity Increased: Fire 100%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack

Str: 30, Dex: 10, Con: 22
THP -/AC 17
Damage Reduction 10/+2
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack

Str: 19, Dex: 30, Con: 19
THP -/AC 30
Damage Reduction 10/+2
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Whirlwind (Pulse Attack)

Druid Elemental Shape (Elemental), Elder (Level 20)
All forms Merge Armor ONLY

Str: 23, Dex: 19, Con: 30
THP -/AC 20
Damage Reduction 15/+3, Immunity Increased: Fire 100%, Immunity Decreased: Cold 50%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Fire

Str: 29, Dex: 22, Con: 23
THP -/AC 26
Damage Reduction 15/+3, Immunity Increased: Fire 100%
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack

Str: 34, Dex: 10, Con: 22
THP -/AC 20
Damage Reduction 15/+3
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack

Str: 23, Dex: 34, Con: 19
THP -/AC 32
Damage Reduction 15/+3
Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Mind-Affecting Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack
Whirlwind (Pulse Attack)


Более новых версий не искал, может кто видел - поделится.

This post has been edited by DarkSet: 13:57, 2 September 2007
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post 03:23, 2 September 2007
Post #2


Сэт, инфа полезная,но есть сомнения насчет достоверности некоторых пунктов.Не читал все,бросился в глаза редукт эпик дракона 5/+1. Насколько я знаю,у всех трех драконов 40/+6.А так спс,сохранил)
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post 03:56, 2 September 2007
Post #3

Младший баронет

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Это просто старая инфа, до 1.64 кажись, было так как у сета написано, а вообще да, щас 40\+6

Довбаний правдолюб.
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post 14:07, 2 September 2007
Post #4


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QUOTE(OMG @ 05:56, 2 September 2007) *
Это просто старая инфа, до 1.64 кажись, было так как у сета написано, а вообще да, щас 40\+6

так вот кому воистину мстит древо:)
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